How would any one of us like a state worker supervising their pap smear, or a Prostate exam?   Isn’t it embarrassing enough just having one person you don’t know look at and touch your body.  Well today was a first, my son had a dr appointment, he thought he might have a urinary tract or bladder infection.  I Made him the appointment.  He called me saying he was told by a day worker from Northeast Kingdom Human Services that the staff person was going to supervise the examination.  Wow

On the phone Terri Moore insisted that he would be staying in the room.  As his legal guardian I said no way.  He still insisted, so I drove 60 miles to meet my son at his appointment.  Terri Moore did not go in to watch my son be examined.

Upon being forced to ride back to the Lowell house Terri, the staffer, received a call on his cell.  T erri, referring to my son said, “he’s been jerking off with two hands, apparently to his supervisor.   This is disgusting, how disgusting and to be subject to this kind of treatment in a country where people are supposed to have certain human rights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  when I had to return my son to this house of horrors I was told that he wasn’t going to be allowed to have his inhaler in his possession and his phone calls are now monitored by staff.

It’s total control, he’s living “One Flew Over a Cuckoos” Nest.  Please watch the video and please leave a comment on the blog. Without people expressing their opinions it will take longer to Stop This Abuse.

Good friends, Loving Family,  fellow warriors and the power of love will move us in the right direction. The direction of RIGHT.  It’s a plea to Governor Shumlin.

5 Responses to “Northeast Kingdom Human Services”

  1. 1 Courtney
    February 28, 2013 at 6:01 pm

    I worked for this Agency NKHS for two years and that was enough , And I have seen so many Thing’s that the staff get Away with, supervisors and maybe the Directors know about but hey, they think there Untouchable.
    Its is a shame that the State of Vermont let this agency get away with what they do, do they even care?.
    Some of this information is from some of the Staff which still work at Agency to this day.
    1 there is a rivalry between the departments Mentall Health

    • March 5, 2013 at 1:50 pm

      Thank you for speaking up Courtney. It is criminal, the things that these Agencies get away with. The problem is that they are protected at the State level. No Douglas Racine doesn’t care, The Commissioner of Department of Aging and Independent Living doesn’t care and Governor Shumlin doesn’t care and the Judges don’t care. They care about protecting themselves and their positions. It’s as if nobody needs to do the “right thing” to get elected or appointed to Government positions. As citizens, unless we participate, by going to Montpelier and keeping watch over them the corruption will continue to deprive us of justice.

      Please continue to follow my blog. Now that Nobody has anything to hold over me (my son’s safety and freedom) I will continue to fight and inform. “we the people” must stand up and demand accountability. Thank you

  2. 3 Janet Reed
    May 3, 2011 at 1:27 pm

    He does have rights, there are all outlined in the DAIL brochure on “How to Be A Good Guardian”. and I quote,” A Good Guardian helps the person to; Get and Keep Rights: Find a good lawyer,if needed; Receive mail, use the phone and see family, if desired; Be listened to,; Have choices; Have privacy. Also, in the brochure is says “A Good Guardian, SHOULD, “Listen to a persons thought’s and desires; Treat the person as an adult; Respect his or her privacy.” They should NOT, “Make decisions without consulting the person; Be disrespectful; Treat the person as a child.” It further states that they should ensure that the person is “In a safe house; With safe people who treat him/her right; Has needed equipment, glasses , adaptive technology, etc(ie: his inhaler);Helps make choices about his/her own health care.”
    These are only a few of the qualities they look for in selecting a good guardian and yet they constantly, do not follow their own guidelines.

    There is also a state law that prohibits retaliation for speaking out against the caregivers or service providers even if it is the state themselves. “Different strokes for different folks.” Only if you allow them to. Many do not realize they have rights. Thanks for speaking up and telling your story.

    • May 5, 2011 at 1:05 am

      Dear Janet, if you could direct me to these brochures with links, I could really use the help. I’m have requested an “emergency Change of Placement” and the info on retaliation i will need to put in front of the judge. I’t a real battle. Today Tammy Crowe and Rick Devost brought Bill from Lowell to Dartmouth a pulmonary work up at 11 a.m. lasting until 2. I asked them both what they intended to do about lunch for Bill. They said he was going to eat when he got back to Lowell House. They picked him up at 7 a.m. and wouldn’t get back untill 4 at least and they didn’t give a shit if he went all day. Because he pays room and board he shouldn’t have to buy his own food or not eat. they refuse to tell me how much board he pays. I am now his rep payee so I’ll guess i’ll find out when they want some money. I have no doubt this is going to come crumbling down very soon. They are so arrogant and that will be their demise. Even though we are few, we have banned together and when the time comes we will gather for the celebrations of celebrations.

  3. 5 carol kellaway
    May 1, 2011 at 6:39 pm

    Unbelievable. I always had repect for the guardian that was with your son. I can’t imagine him doing anything so despictable to another human, They all need to go!!!

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