Posts Tagged ‘vt secretary of human services


Supervisor at NKHS comes forward with the truth, Will Secretary Douglas Racine Intervene

Rick Devost may not see himself as a “whistle blower” but when someone witnesses injustice and they have a lot to lose by speaking out, I consider them a whistle blower.  Will Secretary of Human Services Douglas Racine respond?

On Tuesday the 5th of July 2011, Rick Devost a supervisor of case managers at Northeast Kingdom Human Services, Safe Choices Program put me on speaker phone with William (Bill)  Bennett in his office for a conversation which could cost him his job but allow him to live with himself.  He said he  had some things he wanted to say to me and that he wanted Bill to hear as well.

I braced myself not knowing what to  expect.

He told me that he respects me and what I’m doing for my son, that I have always treated him with respect, courtesy and professionalism and that he would tell that to anyone because it’s the truth.

Rick had been on vacation the previous week and was reviewing the emails exchanged  between Kathy Aiken (his supervisor) and myself. Rick made the following comments about Kathy Aiken’s responses to my questions,  “I don’t understand her tone in the emails or her lack of cooperation, she could have easily answered your questions and I don’t understand why she didn’t”.  Before going on vacation Rick said he arranged for the services and supports Bill is supposed to be provided but Kathy being in charge of scheduling while he was awa,y undid the arrangements.  He said  “Her anger is getting in the way” .

He brought up the previous team meeting and Kathy’s hostile confrontational attitude.  He said he had spoken with Dixie McFarland, Kathy’s supervisor and that he would be bringing the latest actions up again in a meeting with the three of them.  When I asked him why if everyone is aware that Kathy is obstructing  Bill’s treatment why she’s the only one corresponding with me.  He sated “because she as Program Director is ultimately responsible”.  I interpret this to mean that their letting her hang herself.  And I can tell you, she has tied her own noose and tightens it with every venomous word out of her mouth.  Having dished out,  for over a decade, verbal and emotional abuse to disabled men )paid for by the State of Vermont) she is now acting out of desperation.  Kathy Aiken along with Saul Schoenberg, (owner of the “Safe Choices” program) and contributors to the “Best Practices Manual” for Supervision and Treatment of Sex Offenders with Developmental Disabilities are clearly culpable if the accusations I’ve made, can be proven, and they can.

With Bill sitting right there in his office Rick said “I see a great deal of positive growth in Bill and credit 100% of that growth to you”, meaning me, Bill’s mother and fierce advocate.  He thanked me for bringing this all forward because he entered this profession to help people and that a change needs to happen. He assured me that behind the scenes it’s happening, even if I don’t yet see it.

He also said “I don’t feel Bill is a danger” and that he hopes soon Bill will be able to move on into a much more independent life, and that Bill should be getting the supports he needs to acquire independent living skills.  Rick Devost showed compassion and concern for Bill and referred to him as a victim.

I asked him if he would put this in writing because it means nothing if it isn’t said to the people who are making the decision.  He assured me that he is a man of his word and he will stand behind his statements and bring this to his superiors.  He said he would either be taken seriously, transferred off Bill’s case or fired altogether but he was prepared for any consequence, saying “I need to be able to sleep at night”.

I phoned Rick the next day to reaffirm his statement and check in to see if he would retract it.  I asked him if the attorney from NKHS was aware of the content of our conversation, he said he hadn’t spoken to the attorney.  I stated to him that I am interpreting his comments to mean that Kathy Aiken is obstructing Bill’s treatment and he affirmed that was an accurate interpretation.  I asked if he would be willing to speak to a reporter and he said he needed to address the issue directly with his and Kathy’s superiors.  I told him that I will be bringing his comments to the public and he said and I quote “you need to do what is best for your son, I am a man of my word and stand behind my statements to you”.

Bill and I have been so confounded by NKHS’s actions over the last four months we haven’t even been able to determine who the case manager is so I asked Rick who Bill’s case manager is, he replied that technically it’s Tammy Crowe, I replied “but she hasn’t participated in any of the meetings, the Individual Support agreement or anything”.  Rick Devost said that Kathy Aiken is acting as case manager (ultimately accountable).  I responded, “if she’s the case manager and as you said acting as an obstructionist how are we to accomplish any of the things Bill needs”?  He said he didn’t know, that all he could do is bring it to his superiors and hope they handle it appropriately.

I said to Rick, what I’m hearing you say is that I’m on my own and his reply was “you’ve been on your own the whole time”.  To that I thanked him for trying and that I would wait to hear, or see what the result would be.

My prediction is that the attorney from NKHS will shut him down.  Another one bites the dust.  

Bill and I will persevere, I’m the driving force out here, but Bill is in the line of fire.  He maintains his sanity, compassion and dignity against evil corrupt minions interested in profit and power.

Tracy Gilman, proud mother

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